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Belantara Learning Series Eps. 3: “High Conservation Value and High Carbon Stock for the Protection of Indonesian Biodiversity”

Belantara Foundation once again conducted capacity building and training that is called the Belantara Learning Series Episode 3 (BLS Eps.3). Belantara Learning Series Eps. 3 was a collaboration between Belantara Foundation, the Study Programme of Environmental Management Graduate School of Universitas Pakuan, the Biology Faculty of Universitas Nasional, I-SER FMIPA of the Universitas Indonesia, and Daemeter Consulting. BLS Eps. 3 was held on Tuesday (31/05/2022) through Zoom and also published live on Belantara Foundation Youtube Channel from 09.00 to 12.00 am Western Indonesian Time. 

Coinciding with the momentum of World Biodiversity Day, the topic of BLS Eps. 3 discussed about “High Conservation Value and High Carbon Stock for the Protection of Indonesian Biodiversity”

As we know, every 22nd of May, the global community commemorates International Day for Biological Diversity. This commemoration is held with the purpose to increase people’s awareness of the importance to maintain and conserve biodiversity. This year, the global theme is “Building a shared future for all life”. Through this theme, we can learn a lesson that biodiversity is an answer to sustainable development challenge and a foundation of life that we can better rebuild. 

The comprehensive report entitled Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services 2019 by IPBES (The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) presents that the status of the earth’s biodiversity grows more concerning. Scientists reveal, currently, the earth has lost more than 80 percent of its mammals due to damage on natural ecosystem, which suffers from 100x faster destruction in the last 10 million years. Without us realizing it, this very significant decrease in biomass has caused an impact and massive loss to all life on earth.


Biodiversity is vital for the survival of humans and other living beings, now and in the future. Biodiversity can provide economic, ecological function support, recreation, cultural, and scientific benefits, and other benefits. Biodiversity also has an intrinsic value, thus has a right to keep on living, despite not giving direct benefits to humans. The loss or decrease of biodiversity conditions can endanger these values and functions, and affect people’s well-being.

Through BLS Eps. 3, it is expected that all involved participants (university students, researchers, practitioners, private sector, journalists, and other stakeholders) can gain an awareness of the importance of high conservation value and high carbon stock for the protection of Indonesian biodiversity. 

“We use the momentum of this year’s International Day for Biological Diversity to share knowledge to all stakeholders and the general public on the importance of maintaining ecosystem balance, including conserving biodiversity, and its connection with the economy and sustainable development”, said the Executive Director of Belantara Foundation, Dr. Dolly Priatna.

Dolly emphasized that making efforts to save biodiversity does not solely fall under the government’s shoulders. Instead, this requires the active support of all parties, including the private sector and community, and needs to be done using the landscape approach. 

During the same opportunity, the member of AIPI and Director of the Center for Environmental Ethics Studies of the National University (Universitas Nasional), Prof.Dr. Endang Sukara, reminded us all that Indonesian biodiversity is extremely unique. Even most endemic species can only be found in Indonesia. The scientific and technological advancement has revealed the economic potential of biodiversity, especially for a multi-billion-dollar pharmaceutical business. 

Therefore, we must really be aware of the importance of biodiversity, not only protecting it but more importantly, using it optimally for the well-being of all Indonesian people. Political policy, investment, scientific and technological advancement, and bioethics must be made into full instruments to mainstream biodiversity in national development.

Similarly, the President Director of Daemeter Consulting, Aisyah Sileuw, M.Sc, said that the High Conservation Value and High Carbon Stock Value approach helps to balance development activities and conservation, which includes biodiversity, environmental services, and also the social and cultural needs of the local people. 

“If done consistently, there should no longer be any dichotomy between choosing development or conservation, because both of their goals will be fulfilled,” said Aisyah.

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