Green Indonesia - Progress Report
Towards DMPA (Desa Makmur Peduli Api [a Prosperous Village That Cares about Fires]) to Improve the Economy, Have Food Security, and Be Environmentally Concern, in Pandan Sejahtera Village and Sungai Keruh Village.
The DMPA program is an effective program for communities that are located closely or directly beside a company. Here, the DMPA program is being carried out in two villages: Pandan Sejahtera Village, and Sungai Keruh Village. Through group mentorship, we carry out activities to increase the economic capacity of the community sustainably and increase community participation in environmental conservation. With the DMPA program being carried out in the two villages, we hope that the community will possess a high awareness of forest and land fires.
One of our targets is to increase the capacity of the DMPA groups. Efforts that have been done are administrative and financial technical training, as well as business development training for the village-owned business entities (BUMDes) in Pandan Sejahtera Village and Sungai Keruh Village. This activity involved approximately 30 trained participants from the two villages. The training includes various aspects, such as group administration, technical issues, and agribusiness development.
Moreover, technical training on developing cattle farming in Pandan Sejahtera Village was conducted involving 25 trained people from the BUMDes and Perintis Jaya groups. Also involved was the UPTD Animal Health Center from Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency's Plantation and Livestock Service as a source. The technical training for aquaculture development was carried out in Sungai Keruh Village and involved 25 people from the local BUMDes, and the Inovasi Bersama group. Also involved as a source was the Kelompok Budidaya Ikan (Fish Cultivation Group [Pokdakan]) Galih Kahirupan from Dataran Kempas Village which has already developed its fish farming.
To complete the training, we facilitated the Pandang Sejahtera Village with nine cows and Sungai Keruh Village with biofloc-based catfish farming. These assistances will be managed by beneficiary groups in collaboration with the BUMDes in each village to develop their business patterns.