Blog Belantara

The Belantara Foundation Participates in a Discussion on the Funding Source for the Management of Conservation and Biodiversity Areas in Indonesia

Jakarta (1/9/2020) - The Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN/BAPPENAS) held a workshop in Aston Bogor Hotel & Resort to kick-off a series of activities to be carried out in 2020 to evaluate, identify and integrate funding sources for conservation and biodiversity management in Indonesia. 

The event was also to disseminate the results of the funding evaluation for managing the conservation and biodiversity areas in the 2015-2019 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and convey the direction of natural resources and ecosystems conservation development for 2020-2024 and its funding strategy.

Additionally, the Ministry of (PPN/BAPPENAS) collected data and information on the role and the funding support from the government, the private sector, and non-governmental organizations, and identify opportunities for integrating funding sources for the management of conservation and biodiversity areas.

As one of the institutions active in conservation activities, the Belantara Foundation was present at this event to receive information while participating in the discussions, which were a part of the series of activities in the event. 

It was explained that this year, the Ministry of PPN/ Bappenas was thinking about resource mobilization strategies for biodiversity, which are in-line with the mandate of the Aichi 2020 Targets, through the integration of funding sources from the government budget (central and regional), the private sector, non-governmental organizations, and development partners for the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the vision of Indonesia 2045. 

The Belantara Foundation learned a lot about funding and strategic efforts in the management of conservation and biodiversity areas in this event.

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