Belantara Snapshot salah satu rangkaian kegiatan dari Program “Muda-Mudi Konservasi: Kolaborasi Kunci Keberhasilan Konservasi Biodiversitas Indonesia”. Mengusung tema “Pesona Alam Indonesia”, Belantara Foundation mengajak para pecinta fotografi di Indonesia untuk berpartisipasi dan mengambil peran dalam upaya konservasi biodiversitas Indonesia melalui lomba fotografi. Karya karya peserta yang akan dipamerkan kepada publik harapannya akan membantu meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat luas tentang pentingnya menjaga keanekaragaman hayati.
Read MoreLomba Cerdas Cermat Belantara merupakan salah satu rangkaian dari Program “Muda-Mudi Konservasi: Kolaborasi Kunci Keberhasilan Konservasi Biodiversitas Indonesia”. Mengusung tema “Konservasi Biodiversitas dan Satwa Liar di Indonesia”, Belantara Foundation mengajak para siswa-siswi Indonesia tingkat SMA/MA/SMK se-Jabodetabek untuk berpartisipasi dan mengambil peran dalam upaya konservasi biodiversitas Indonesia melalui Lomba Cerdas Cermat Belantara.
Read MoreKoordinator Program akan bekerja sama dengan seluruh staf Yayasan Belantara untuk merancang, membangun dan menjalankan program konservasi baik proteksi, restorasi dan kehutanan sosial yang terkoordinasi di seluruh lanskap Sumatra dan Kalimantan yang ditunjuk.
Read MoreApakah kamu memiliki bakat dalam memotret pesona satwa liar di Indonesia? Ini adalah saat yang tepat untuk tunjukkan bakatmu dalam snapshot keindahan biodiversity yang kita miliki. Belantara Snapshot dibagi menjadi dua kategori yaitu Kategori Kamera Digital dan Kamera Ponsel.
Read MoreBelantara Foundation hadir sebagai fasilitator sekaligus sebagai pembicara dalam ruang diskusi Klaster Filantropi Lingkungan Hidup dan Konservasi di program Seri Perubahan Iklim - Filantropi Indonesia pada Rabu (14/12/2022). Diwakili oleh Koordinator Program, Hamda Khairuzani, Belantara Foundation memaparkan pengalaman melakukan kolaborasi lintas sektoral dalam upaya restorasi lahan gambut yang terdegradasi di kawasan Giam Siak Kecil Bukit Batu, Riau. Dalam paparannya yang berjudul Mendorong Keterlibatan Filantropi Melalui Aksi Kolektif dalam Aksi Iklim Serta Overview Akses Pendanaan Iklim, kolaborasi lintas sektoral merupakan salah satu kunci dalam melibatkan seluruh pihak untuk saling membantu bahu-membahu mencapai SDGs.
Read MoreDirektur Belantara Foundation, Dr. Dolly Priatna menerima undangan untuk memberikan kuliah umum mengenai Konservasi Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia di Senior High School at Sakado, Tsubasa University Jepang pada Kamis (12/12/2022). Senior High School at Sakado, merupakan sebuah SMA yang dikelola langsung oleh University of Tsukuba, berlokasi di Wakaba, Sakado, Saitama, Jepang. Kuliah umum ini telah disampaikan kepada 160 siswa dan siswi di Senior High School at Sakado, Tsubasa University.
Read MoreThe Forest Restoration Project: SDGs Together donors, which consists of private companies in Japan, received a wooden plaque as a sign of appreciation from the Belantara Foundation. This event took place along with Belantara's participation in the EcoPro Exhibition activities at the SDGs Week Expo 2022 event at Tokyo Big Sight from Wednesday to Friday (7-9/12/22). This award was handed over directly by the Executive Director of Belantara Foundation, Dr. Dolly Priatna, to the leaders and representatives of APP Sinar Mas Japan Ltd. (APPJ) and other donors which has actively contributed to efforts to restore Sumatra's tropical forests through Belantara Foundation’s project the Forest Restoration Project: SDGs Together program that has been going on for the last two years.
Read MoreBelantara Foundation participated in the EcoPro 2022 Exhibition at Tokyo Big Sight (Tokyo International Conference Center), East 6 Hall 6-033, Japan from 7 to 9 December 2022. The theme for the 24th EcoPro Exhibition this year was “Tackle Environmental Challenges and Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for a Sustainable Society”. The EcoPro exhibition is the second-largest exhibition event in Japan. On this occasion, Belantara Foundation with Asia Pulp & Paper Japan Ltd. (APPJ) present to promote their collaboration program "Forest Restoration Project: SDGs Together" to the international community.
Read MoreThe Indonesian Pavilion was present for two weeks at the 27th COP event, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) from 6 to 18 November 2022. "Stronger Climate Actions Together" was chosen as the following theme by the Indonesian Pavilion this year. This theme embodies various actions, strategies, innovations, and achievements as a concrete manifestation of leading climate action to prevent global temperature rise. Belantara Foundation was present and shared our story on peatland restoration program on Community Forest land (HKm) with an agroforestry pattern to the international community through Indonesian Pavilion event at this COP27 momentum.
Read MoreBelantara Foundation once again held the Belantara Learning Series (BLS) Eps. 5 with the following theme “Handling Wildlife Trade: Lessons from Southeast Asia” via ZOOM application on Thursday (27/10). This event is a capacity-building program initiated by Belantara Foundation starting from the end of 2021 until now. This time, Belantara Foundation is collaborating with the Environmental Management Study Program at the Pakuan University Postgraduate School, LPPM Pakuan University, SCENTS, Faculty of Biology of National University, LPPM National University, Department of Biology FMIPA University of Riau, Department of Biology FMIPA Andalas University and Department of Biology FMIPA University of Indonesia.
Read MoreBelantara Foundation, Rumah Sriksetra, and Forest Wildlife Society held a screening and discussion of the documentary film ‘Asa Gajah Sumatra di Padang Sugihan’ located at the Faculty of Social Sciences building of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang on Sunday (25/09/22). This activity takes place from 14.00 to 17.00 WIB. Apart from film screenings, on this occasion, Belantara also held a live discussion room with the speakers, namely Dr. Dolly Priatna Executive Director of Belantara Foundation, Syamsuardi Chair of Forest Wildlife Society, Taufik Wijaya Chair of Rumah Sriksetra, and Dr. Yenrizal Lecturer of Social Sciences at UIN Raden Fatah Palembang.
Read MoreApi-api village is located in a coastal area, precisely located in the Bengkalis Strait which is directly opposite the tidal waves of seawater. A lack of mangroves in some areas in this location causing these areas to be more vulnerable to abrasion. Knowing this, Siti Khumaira (Umai) and team Kukerta in the Riau University village in 2021 initiated a program to planting 100 mangroves in Api-Api Village, Bandar Laksamana District, Bengkalis Regency, Riau. The purpose of planting the new mangroves is to minimize abrasion in the area, as well as to rebuild good habitats for marine biota such as fish to breed. With this activity, Umay hoped that this renewable habitat can improve the fish population in the vicinity so that it can help increase the catch of fishermen to increase their economic income.
Read MoreSetiap tanggal 19 Agustus masyarakat di seluruh dunia memperingati Hari Orangutan Sedunia. Peringatan ini bertujuan untuk menginspirasi dan mendorong masyarakat agar berperan aktif dalam menjaga dan melestarikan orangutan beserta habitatnya. Pada momentum ini, Belantara Foundation berkolaborasi bersama Program Sarjana dan Pascasarjana Biologi Universitas Nasional, FORINA dan Biodiversity Warriors Yayasan KEHATI menyelenggarakan Instagram Live dengan tema "Orangutan Hidupnya di Hutan" pada Jumat (19/08/22).
Read MoreMemperingati momentum Hari Gajah Sedunia atau Global Elephant Day, Belantara Foundation berkolaborasi bersama Forum Konservasi Gajah Indonesia dan Rumah Sriksetra mengadakan Instagram Live: Rajut Keharmonisan Manusia dan Gajah Melalui Dongeng dan Film pada Selasa (16/08/22). Hari Gajah Sedunia dirayakan pada tanggal 12 Agustus setiap tahunnya. Peringatan ini bertujuan untuk mengajak masyarakat di seluruh dunia untuk ikut berperan aktif dan berpartisipasi dalam upaya pelestarian gajah beserta habitatnya. Tema Hari Gajah Sedunia pada tahun ini adalah Bringing the World Together to Help Elephants yang memiliki arti Menyatukan Dunia untuk Membantu Gajah.
Read MoreBelantara Foundation in collaboration with Environmental Management Study Program at Pakuan University Postgraduate School, LPPM Pakuan University, Faculty of Biology at National University, LPPM at National University, Rainforest Rising, and PT REKI again held the National Webinar-Belantara Learning Series Episode 4 (#BLSEPS4) on Thursday (04/ 08/22) through zoom application and also live broadcasts on YouTube Belantara Foundation from 08.30 to 12.30 WIB.
Read MoreBelantara Foundation collaborates with social media influencers and environmental activist communities to invite #KawanBelantara to join the Living in Harmony program: Support Village Communities in Mitigating Human and Elephant Conflicts in Ogan Komering Ilir District, South Sumatra. This program is Belantara’s contribution to the ongoing elephant conservation activities that have been implemented by stakeholders within the landscape. Through this program, Belantara collaborates with Rumah Sriksetra, Forest Wildlife Society, APP Sinar Mas, and is funded by the Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund.
Read MoreBelantara Foundation handed over notebooks to the children of the Talang Mamak tribe who went to school at MDTA Nurus Sabil, Talang Children's Village, Kec. Batang Cenaku, Kab. Indragiri Hulu Riau Province on Tuesday (10/05/22) through Riau Region The Alliance of Indigenous Peoples of the Archipelago (AMAN). This activity is a follow up crowdfunding campaign, gathered through Kita In 2019, Belantara conducted a fundraising campaign to invite Kawan Belantara to participate in supporting learning activities for Talang Mamak children, especially those in Talang Children Village, Kec. Batang Cenaku, Kab. Indragiri Hulu, Riau Province.
Read More#KawanBelantara or Belantara Friends is an environmental community initiated by Belantara Foundation. Its members are environment enthusiasts from youth with missions of environmental conservation, forest conservation, and climate change impact prevention. Every month we will highlight one profile of #KawanBelantara to share their story in their fight to make a better earth.
Read MoreBelantara Foundation once again conducted capacity building and training that is called the Belantara Learning Series Episode 3 (BLS Eps.3). Belantara Learning Series Eps. 3 was a collaboration between Belantara Foundation, the Study Programme of Environmental Management Graduate School of Universitas Pakuan, the Biology Faculty of Universitas Nasional, I-SER FMIPA of the Universitas Indonesia, and Daemeter Consulting. BLS Eps. 3 was held on Tuesday (31/05/2022) through Zoom and also published live on Belantara Foundation Youtube Channel from 09.00 to 12.00 am Western Indonesian Time.
Read MoreVarious solutions to reduce plastic waste have been widely campaigned. Starting from using recyclable materials, integrated waste management, and other methods. However, without synergy between upstream and downstream interventions, the effectiveness of plastic waste reduction is still lacking. Heavily relying on using disposable plastics also contributes to increasing plastic waste from year to year, which takes a serious toll on the environment and triggers extreme climate change.
Read MoreKlaster Lingkungan Hidup dan Konservasi Filantropi Indonesia kembali mengadakan TalkShow Online Sesi 2 yang berjudul “Strategi Pengelolaan Sampah Plastik dari Hulu ke Hilir” pada Rabu (20/04). Kegiatan ini merupakan salah satu dari serangkaian kegiatan gerakan #AsikTanpaSampahPlastik pada momentum #HariBumi2022 yang diinisiasi oleh Klaster Lingkungan Hidup dan Konservasi Filantropi Indonesia yaitu Belantara Foundation, Dompet Dhuafa, Greeneration, Climateworks Centre dan juga Dompet Dhuafa Volunteer.
Read MoreRiding on the momentum of #HariBumi2022 or Earth Day 2022, The Environmental and Conservation Cluster of Filantropi Indonesia or Indonesian Philanthropist initiated the #AsikTanpaSampahPlastik or Great Without Plastic Waste movement to invite people to adopt an environmentally-friendly lifestyle without using disposable plastics. The #AsikTanpaSampahPlastik movement consisted of a series of online and offline activities in the form of IG Live, Talk Show, Demo Eco-Enzyme, and also education to Junior and Senior High School students in Jakarta.
Read MoreBelantara Learning Series (BLS) Eps.2 was carried out on Wednesday (16/03). BLS Eps.2 brought up the topic of “Forest Carbon Economic Value and Estimation”. This event was held using Zoom Meeting and was broadcasted live through the Belantara Youtube Channel from 9 – 12 am Western Indonesian Time. BLS Eps.2 was a collaboration between Belantara Foundation, Study Programme of Environmental Management Graduate School of Universitas Pakuan, the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), and PT. Gaia Eko Daya Buana.
Read MoreThe Environmental and Conservation Cluster of Filantropi Indonesia conducted an Environmental IG Live entitled “Self-Isolation is Completed, My Waste is Neglected” on Friday (25/02). This activity was a collaborative activity between members of Filantropi Indonesia’s Environmental and Conservation Cluster, namely Belantara Foundation, Dompet Dhuafa, Greeneration, and Dompet Dhuafa Volunteer. This activity was held as a form of contribution from the Environmental and Conservation Cluster on the moment of the National Waste Care Day, commemorated on 21 February every year.
Read More#KawanBelantara is an environmental community initiated by the Belantara Foundation. Its members are environmental enthusiasts from the younger generation who have a mission to preserve the environment, forest conservation, and also prevent the impact of climate change. Every month we will raise a profile of #KawanBelantara to tell their story in their struggle to make the earth a better place.
Read MoreBelantara Foundation and Universitas Riau held an online kick off meeting on Internship Program with Belantara Foundation, including at the Humus Research Station of the Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu Biosphere Reserve, Bengkalis Regency, Riau on Friday (25/2). The internship program aims to increase the technical capacity and knowledge of students about forest protection and restoration, as well as community empowerment. This internship also aims to train students to conduct research on biodiversity and peat ecosystems. This program will be carried out for approximately 6 months or 1 semester with a total of 20 credits.
Read MoreBersama dengan semangat pelestarian hutan dan keanekaragaman hayati, Belantara Foundation berinisiatif untuk mengadakan program pelatihan pengembangan kapasitas yaitu Belantara Learning Series. Belantara Learning Series merupakan sebuah program peningkatan kapasitas untuk para mahasiswa, akademisi, praktisi, peneliti, serta pengelola sumber daya alam dan keanekaragaman hayati dari belantara Foundation. Program ini mendukung upaya proteksi dan restorasi hutan, penelitian, pemberdayaan masyarakat, serta aksi iklim. Belantara Learning Series juga merupakan program kolaboratif antara Belantara dengan berbagai institusi lintas sektor di Indonesia.
Read MoreIn order to strengthen collaboration and cooperation between stakeholders in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, MAB Indonesia-BRIN, BBKSDA, Regional Government, Coordinating Board for GSK-BB Biosphere Reserve management and Belantara Foundation worked together to hold a “Biosphere Reserve Management Coordination Meeting GSK-BB”. The online meeting involved key parties and parties working in the biosphere reserve area. The meeting was aimed for sharing information, experiences, coordination and consolidation, as well as for the preparation of a periodic review which was 2 years late due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Read MoreThe Environmental and Conservation Philanthropy Cluster held a Philanthropy Sharing Session Eps. 8 in the form of a Webinar entitled Adaptation of Farmers in Facing Climate Change on Thursday 16/09/2021. This activity is a joint activity of the Food Security and Nutrition Philanthropy Cluster with the Environmental and Conservation Philanthropy Cluster to prevent hunger due to the environmental crisis.
Read MoreJakarta, 8 July 2021 | The Philanthropy Cluster on Environmental and Conservation held an online webinar in the Philanthropy Sharing Session Eps. 6: Webinars on Plastic Waste Management During Eid. This activity is part of the #KurbanAsikTanpaPlastik campaign, which is a campaign to celebrate sacrifices without using plastic containers during celebration of Eid al-Adha 1442 H. This webinar was held through the Zoom Meeting application and broadcast via the Dompet Dhuafa TV (DDTV) youtube channel.
Read MoreJakarta, 9 July 2021 | Eid al-Adha is a fortune sharing event shared by Muslims all over the world. In Indonesia, one of the traditions in the Eid al-Adha event is to distribute sacrificial animals meat to the public, which is called 'kurban'. Generally, people single-use plastic as the meat container, because it is resistance to water and cheap. Single-use plastic during Eid al-Adha celebration has caused an unavoidable increasing volume of plastic waste. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) has issued a circular letter SE.2/PSLB3/PS/PLB.0/7/2019 regarding the celebration of Eid without plastic waste to all local governments in Indonesia. This appeal is addressed to every regional head to invite their citizens to use environmentally friendly packaging as a container for sacrificial meat.
Read MoreThe community group of Kelulut Honey facilitated by Belantara in Koto Pait Beringin village has succeeded in harvesting kelulut honey on Tuesday, February 16 (16/02/2021). This is the third harvest for kelulut bee honey since the initial preparation in November 2019. One box of kelulut honey bee hives can produce approximately 500 ml/hive. This community group has succeeded in producing 14 bottles of honey with each bottle containing 250 ml of honey.
Read MoreThe Earth Day is celebrated on every 22 March all over the world. This commemoration was first celebrated in 1970. World Earth Day is celebrated to provide education and awareness to the world about the current condition of the earth.
Read MoreIndonesia is one of the mega-biodiversity countries with thousands of flora and fauna. A very diverse biodiversity (in land and oceans) stretches widely from Sabang to Merauke. However, its richness of flora and fauna often faced with the threat of species extinction. The existence of key species in Indonesia and challenges of its existence has attracted a lot of attention from various groups, ranging from the government, academia, environmental non-profit organizations, private sectors, and also the wider community.
Read MoreAugust 12 is a celebration of World Elephant Day. Belantara Foundation’s Executive Director Sri Mariati said, “Congratulations on commemorating International Elephant Day. Let us make this commemoration day a reminder for us to be more concerned and enthusiastic in protecting and preserving elephants, especially elephant species, especially those in Indonesian forests ".
Read MoreThe COVID19 pandemic has hit various countries in the world including Indonesia. Apart from the large number of casualties experienced by Indonesia, COVID19 also has impacted the country's economic sector. The reduction of employees and also plenty of the businesses collapse are common problems that we are currently facing.
Read More(19/6/2020) In June 2020, the Ichiryu Associates Inc. and MCIB Partners have donated a grant of JPY 100,000 each to support the peatland forest restoration program in the Giam Siak Kecil Bukit Batu work area that are conducted by the Belantara Foundation.
Read MoreBelantara Foundation is still carrying out forest restoration program amid the difficulties of COVID19 pandemic. The restoration forest program is fully funded and supported by the APP Sinarmas and other donators as a joint program called the Forest Restoration Project SDGs Together. This program is a collaborative program between Belantara Foundation and APP Sinarmas in an effort to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals, especially for goals number 13 - Climate Actions, goals number 15 – Live on Land, and also goals number 17 – Partnership for the Goals.
Read MoreLooking at the historical story from its invention, plastic has an interesting story. Before the 19th century, some of the daily tools were made from elephant ivory, such as for billiard balls. Of course, this condition created many disadvantages. Elephant population was threatened because of elephant population massacre at that time. In addition, humans can only produce their tools with very limited resources. Inspired by this problem, in 1869 John Wesley Hyatt found a synthetic polymer which he patented nine years later. From his discovery, John Hyatt received a prize worth USD $10.000.
Read MoreMany of us are unaware of how important the presence of trees around us. Trees are not only useful to protect us from radiant heat from the sun that has been hotter due to climate crisis, but trees are also a habitat of millions living creature, more than we ever thought. It has become a well-known fact that trees are one of the biggest sources of oxygen. Oxygen is required for human breathing and producing energy. Not only for human, but also almost all living things in the world need oxygen to stay alive.
Read MoreA webinar held by the Indonesian Resource Development Institute (IRDI) on Monday, March 23, 2020, through, had a discussion with the topic of The development of BUMDes as a key component in village economic growth, and discusses one of the Belantara Foundation's main program is the Tourism Village Program (Desa Wisata), Sungsang Tourism Village in Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra.
Read MoreTogether with local partners, The Belantara Foundation runs a conservation program called Animal-Friendly Village to prevent conflicts between humans and protected wildlife through protection activities where community involvement is fundamental.
Read MoreTo commemorate the National Waste Awareness Day, the Belantara Foundation held an action called "Clean My Heart" in Sungsang IV Village, South Sumatra Province with the theme "At seven grab a broom".
Read MoreTaking place at the Belantara Foundation's headquarters, the Belantara Foundation signed a cooperation charter with the Penabulu Foundation in an agreement to cooperate in human resource capacity development, science, and community assistance to create prosperous and environmentally friendly villages.
Read MoreThe Belantara Foundation took the initiative to save and protect the habitat of Sumatran tiger wildlife with local Rimba Satwa Foundation partners by conducting mitigation patrols in several areas in the Senepis grant area.
Read MoreThe Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN/BAPPENAS) held a workshop to kick-off a series of activities to be carried out in 2020 to evaluate, identify and integrate funding sources for conservation and biodiversity management in Indonesia. The Belantara Foundation, as one of the institutions active in conservation activities, was present at this event to receive information while participating in the discussions.
Read MoreTo save the Earth, the Belantara Foundation invites all people in all generations to continue to conserve, so all living things within Earth (flora and fauna) are preserved.
Read MoreThe Belantara Foundation has raised funds through the website as an initiative to help victims affected by the smog from forest and land fires. The fundraising was aimed to help four villages in Jambi Province.
Read MoreBelantara Foundation supporting 14 Sustainable Development Goals.
Read MoreThis year, the COP25 Climate Change Conference held annually by the UNFCCC took place at IFEMA, Madrid, Spain, on 2 – 13 December 2019 with the theme 'Time for Action', which discusses concrete steps to realize article 6 of the Paris Agreement. The Belantara Foundation participated in the COP25 Climate Change Conference and had the opportunity to fill one of the panels at the 'Acceleration of Mangrove Rehabilitation in Indonesia' event held at the Indonesian Pavilion Tuesday (12/10/2019).
Read MoreBelantara Foundation introduces its newest program through Field Schools —an informal learning activity for the community with a focus to learn about the environment and natural surroundings.
Read MoreAsia Pulp & Paper (APP Sinarmas) collaborated with the Japanese NGO, Great Forest Wall; the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK); and various stakeholders in holding a tree planting event with the theme "6th Year Anniversary of 10,000 Tree Planting Initiatives" in Riau Province.
Read MoreBelantara Foundation attended the 2nd Conservancy Talk of the Indonesian Philanthropy's Conservation and Environmental Cluster (KLHK cluster) with the theme "Conservation of the Environment as Today's Lifestyle," held by the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation at Perumahan Cinta Kasih Tzu Chi (Cinta Kasih Tzu Chi Housing)
Read MoreBuilding Collaboration Between Parties in the Senepis Landscape Through Restoration, Ecosystem Protection, and Community Welfare Improvement Efforts to Save the Landscape and for Sustainable Use.
Read MoreBelantara Foundation, together with the GSK-BB Consortium in improving the landscape of Giam Siak Kecil - Bukit Batu (GSK-BB) using a Protection, Community-Based Restoration, and Community Economic Empowerment (through Social Forestry Programs) Approach.
Read MoreSustainable management of Kerumutan ecosystems through the recovery and protection of peatlands, mangroves, and community-based economic improvement.
Read MoreCommunity participation in the protection and restoration of the Bukit Tigapuluh landscape and collaborative management of traditional use zones in Indragiri Hulu Regency and Kuantan Singingi Regency, Riau Province.
Read MoreTowards DMPA (Desa Makmur Peduli Api [A Prosperous Village that Cares about Fires]) to improve the economy, have food security, and be environmentally concern, in Pandan Sejahtera Village and Sungai Keruh Village.
Read MoreCommunity-Based peatland ecosystem restoration around Tanjung Community Forest in Berbak Sembilang.
Read MoreSends progress report on the management of the Kampar Peninsula ecosystem by synergistically combining programs of protection, restoration, community livelihood improvement, and forest fires prevention and mitigation to create a harmonious and sustainable area.
Read MoreThe Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Indonesia (FMIPA UI) held a workshop entitled "How to Write a Successful Grant Proposal" at the Pertamina Multidisciplinary Research Laboratory Building, University of Indonesia on Tuesday 30 April 2019.
Read MoreForum HarimauKita, the Worldwide Conservation Society (WCS), together with Universitas Indonesia's FMIPA (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science) held a public lecture at the Universitas Indonesia FMIPA Sinarmas Hall. Two public lectures were held. The first session was "Bottleneck to Breakthrough: Urbanization and Future of Biodiversity Conservation" with Eric W. Sanderson, Ph. D as the speaker; the second session was "What to Do with Tiger in Conflict: Returning Tigers to The Wild" by Dale Q. Miquelle, Ph. D as the speaker.
Read MoreOn April 22, 2019, to commemorate World Water Day, the Office of UNESCO Jakarta, the Global Compact Network Indonesia (IGCN), and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of University of Indonesia jointly held seminars and public lectures with the theme World Water Day 2019 is 'Leaving no one behind', an adaptation of the main promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development target No.6 (Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all).
Read MoreOn Friday, April 12th, 2019, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regarding the development of the Sembilang River area as one of the ecotourism spots in Indonesia was signed between the Belantara Foundation and the Banyuasin Regency Government. The MoU was signed by the Executive Director of the Belantara Foundation Dr. Sri Mariati and the Regent of Banyuasin Regency, H Askolani SH MH.
Read MoreThe Belantara Foundation recently concluded a training program on the Spatial Monitoring & Reporting Tool (SMART) in Cijeruk, Bogor, on March 14-15, 2019. The training, which was attended by representatives from West Java, aimed to increase the effectiveness of patrol activities in managing conservation areas via the SMART system.
Read MoreTo explore more opportunities in collaborating with stakeholders, Belantara Foundation held a Forum Discussion Group (FGD) on the "Communication Strategy of Belantara Foundation" on Tuesday, March 5, 2019, at the Harper Hotel Palembang. The event was attended by representatives of the South Sumatra Provincial Forestry Service, the South Sumatra Musi River Basin Forum, the Development Planning and Research & Development Agency of Banyuasin Regency, the chief of Sungsang IV Village, the Indonesian Mangrove Conservation Foundation in South Sumatra, and Academics.
Read MoreTo recognize the grasp, knowledge, and expectations of stakeholders, Belantara Foundation held a Forum Group Discussion (FGD) in one of the hotels in Pekanbaru, on Friday, February 15, 2019. In the FGD, Belantara Foundation's Executive Director, Dr. Sri Mariati, emphasized on the importance of a communication strategy in communicating all Belantara Foundation's strategic and supporting programs to achieve the Foundation's vision, mission and strategic plans that have been made for the next two years.
Read MoreThe Bunga Raya Agritourism Grand Design Book is a master plan for agritourism that details the overall potentials in Bunga Raya sub-district. It is compiled by Belantara Foundation together with the Agritourism Team of Bunga Raya, and Teras Riau Association. The Vice Regent of Siak, Mr. Alfedri was given the Bunga Raya Agritourism Grand Design Book at the book's launching ceremony in 2019. The Vice Regent symbolically received it during the book's launching ceremony in Taman Harmoni Raya, Bunga Raya Sub-district, Saturday, January 26, 2019.
Read MoreThe Annual Board Meeting is an annually held meeting by Belantara Foundation, which brings together the entire Belantara Foundation Board (Advisory Board, Board of Trustees, Supervisory Board, and Executive Board) and Management to carry out discussions and review the year's accomplishments and plan for the following year's objectives. The annual meeting was successfully held at the Aston Palembang Hotel on 21-22 January 2019, and ended with participants having lunch on Belantara's Tourism Boat with the beautiful scenery of Berbak Sembilang.
Read MoreThe Conference of Parties (COP) is the highest conference on global climate change, its status, and on how to control it. COP 24 especially discusses on achieving climate control targets to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and climate change adaptation programs mentioned in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) document, which is the core of the Paris Agreement (COP21, 2015). Along the COP 24, Indonesia also held an "Indonesian Pavilion", which Belantara Foundation participated in to convey Indonesia's latest development on climate change mitigation and adaptation, Indonesia's innovation and action in controlling climate change, its implementation of soft-diplomacies, and building a network of parties in an effort to control climate change globally.
Read MoreIn the spirit of the 2018 Asian Games held in Palembang, South Sumatra and to promote tourism in South Sumatra, with the initiative of South Sumatra's government Belantara built a "Musi River - Sembilang Tourism Boat". It was built specially to promote the Berbak Sembilang biosphere reserve, which was officially recently designated into the World Network of Biosphere Reserves by UNESCO at the 30th International Coordinating Council (ICC) MAB Program (Man and The Biosphere) held in Palembang, South Sumatra on July 23-27 2018.
Read MoreThe 30th annual meeting among UNESCO members, The Man and Biosphere International Co-ordinating Council (MAB-ICC) was successfully held on July 23rd through 30th of 2018 in Hotel Novotel Palembang, South Sumatra Province, and officially inducted Berbak Sembilang National Park, Betung Kerihun Danau Sentarum Kapuas Hulu National Park, and Mount Rinjani National Park into UNESCO's Directory of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves (WNBR).
Read MoreWith the continued decline of forest areas which are home to the elephants, they will inevitably wander and enter the concession lands and community settlements and cause destruction. To avoid this, their current home must be expanded by improving the ecosystem in which they live.
Read MoreThe forests in Indonesia are important tropical forests that contain a wide variety of flora and fauna. This condition puts Indonesia as one of the countries with the highest diversity in the world and holds an important role in maintaining global climate stability. In this segment we show the best restoration practices to protect our forests.
Read MoreThe Sembilang sector of The Berbak Sembilang National Park is a representation of the peatland forests, freshwater forests and riparian/riverside forests of South Sumatra Province. With the initiation of the South Sumatra Government, Belantara Foundation built the “Musi – Sembilang River Tourism Boat” to promote tourism in South Sumatra Province, especially the Berbak – Sembilang Biosphere Reserve.
Read MoreCommemorated annually on the 5th of June, the World Environment Day is a globally held environmental conservation campaign. Its commemoration aims to raise global public awareness in the need to take positive environmental actions for the protection of nature and planet earth.
Read MoreIn addition to fishery cultivation, Belantara Foundation with one of its implementing partners in South Sumatra Province, Yayasan Konservasi Hutan Bakau Indonesia (The Foundation to conserve Indonesia's Mangrove Forests), sees a potential for seaweed cultivation in the east coast area of Ogan Komering Ilir Regency (known as OKI), precisely in Simpang Tiga Abadi Village, Tulung Selapan Subdistrict. An area located in one of the 10 Belantara Foundation grant areas.
Read MoreDid you know that May 22nd we commemorate the International Biodiversity Day? Well, if you didn't let's get to know about it. The International Day for Biological Diversity was first held on December 29th, 1993 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil when the UN Conference on Environment and the Earth Summit (UNCED/Earth Summit) was held and is under the United Nations (UN) agreement. In the 1993 UN Earth Summit, one of the important agreements produced was the Convention on Biological Diversity.
Read MoreBelantara Foundation provides grants to the consortium of the Giam Siak Kecil Bukit Batu (GSK-BB) Ecosystem to run conservation programs, especially the protection of endangered animals and the handling of elephant and human conflicts that occur in the area of Giam Siak Kecil Bukit Batu (GSK-BB). One of the grant support is allocated for the establishment of a conflict mitigation team conducted by our partner, Rimba Satwa Foundation in Kotopait Beringin Village to overcome the elephant and human conflict in the village so that the elephant conservation area can be protected and the community is protected from destruction by the elephants. Here is the story of the field contributor, Zulhusni Syukri - Chairman of the Human-Elephant Conflict Mitigation Team, and a member of the Consortium of Ecosystem Giam Siak Kecil Bukit Batu (GSK-BB), the implementing partner of Belantara Foundation's program.
Read MoreBelantara Foundation is a grant channeling institution that aims to assist the government in the protection, restoration, conservation and in developing community empowerment programs by approaching and collaborating with multi-stakeholders in each program. One of Belantara Foundation's mission in the ten (10) grant areas is to avoid deforestation by increasing the production of plantations in the grant areas, especially plantations cultivating the leading commodities in Indonesia, namely cocoa, coffee, coconut, rubber and palm oils to prevent the expansion of these commodities into the forest areas or conservation areas.
Read MoreBelantara Foundation has opened a proposal acceptance window for partners who have initiatives in the management of Restoration, Protection, and Community Empowerment programs.
Read MoreAbout a month ago, early February 2018, Belantara Foundation’s Conservation team along with the Betabuh Tigapuluh Consortium visited eight villages in Indragiri Hulu district and Kuantan Singigi district, Riau Province as a ground check agenda at the Bukit Tigapuluh National Park grant area.
Read MoreBelantara Foundation along with LPAD Consortium provides support to the Giam Siak Kecil Bukit Batu (GSK-BB) fishermen group. This initiative is under the umbrella to develop the community’s capacity to utilize NTFP (Non-Timber Forest Products) in managing the Marine Protected Areas (MPA) in GKSK-BB. The proceeds of the salted gourami sale will be donated to purchase tree seedlings for the forest restoration efforts in the GSK-BB biosphere reserve area.
Read MoreIndonesia has many endemic and native animals, such as the Komodo dragon and the orangutans in Kalimantan and Sumatra, there is also the critically endangered species of Sumatran Elephant. Behind the story of the Sumatran Elephant, they have some unique facts that we may not know. What are those facts? Let’s get to know them, shall we?
Read MoreThe Belantara Foundation supports an initiative that focuses on critical peatland restoration, forest and land protection from fires, and community development activities to improve their living standards in targeted villages at Orang Kayo Hitam Grand Forest Park (TAHURA) in Berbak, Jambi since the last quarter of 2016.
Read MoreOn February 2, 2018, the Executive Director of Belantara Foundation, Dr. Sri Mariati signed a MOU with Regent Supriono from Banyuasin regarding the development of a community based ecotourism in Sembilang, South Sumatera province. The signing took place at the Arya Duta Hotel in Palembang and was attended by several representatives of Banyuasin Regency’s local government; Vice Chairman of Board of Trustees of Belantara Foundation, Prof. Jatna Supriatna; Senior Adviser of Belantara Foundation, Bpk. Tachrir Fathoni; Conservation Manager, Noubbie B. Afransyah; and Conservation Coordinator of Belantara Foundation for South Sumatra, Ifran Amanda.
Read MoreOne of the provinces with high amount of land fire disasters is Riau Province. In August 2016, there was a peat fire in the village of Sidodadi, Tasik Serai Village, Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province which devoured all pineapple and horticulture plants. To overcome and prevent the recurrence of peatland fires, the local community had the initiative to restore land use by building canal blocks as reservoirs and sources of water reserves, but were being constrained by illegal loggers; until September 2017, where the Farmers' Organizations, FKKM Riau and Belantara Foundation supported them in the construction of three canal blocks in the GSKBB biosphere reserve area.
Read MoreBelantara foundation, an Indonesian grants-making institution had the opportunity to host two panels at the Indonesia pavilion during the Conference of the Parties (COP) -23 United Nation Framework Convention on ClimateChange (UNFCCC) Fiji-Bonn that was held on 6-17 November 2017. This international conference was held in the heart of Bonn, one of the cities in West Germany where UN Campus is located. Approximately 300 – 400 hundred Indonesian delegations acted as the negotiators, panelists, observers, and committees were led by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Government of Indonesia in attended the conference.
Read MorePeraturan Pemerintah tentang Instrumen Ekonomi Lingkungan Hidup sudah resmi ditandatangani Presiden Joko Widodo. Ketentuan tersebut bisa menjadi payung hukum pendanaan berbagai aksi adaptasi dan mitigasi perubahan iklim.
Read MoreLandscape conservation is an incredibly complex issue. It is clear that the annual forest loss and degradation in Indonesia is a wider problem than any one stakeholder in the landscape can deal with, and it needs a far more imaginative, considered and collective strategy than has historically been the case.
Read MoreIndonesia Philanthropy Festival 2016 (IPFest 2016) memiliki tujuan salah satunya yaitu mempertemukan dan memfasilitasi terjadinya sinergi dan kemitraan di antara para pelaku filantropi dan organisasi pelaksana program khususnya dalam pencapaian target Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs).
Read MoreI have overseen a fair share of projects and programs throughout my 25 years working in environmental organisations dedicated to conserving Indonesia’s natural landscapes. While some conservation models have proven to be more effective than others, I take away new learnings from each project that I use to enrich my future work. This is one of the reasons I am excited about the establishment of the Belantara (Bersama Lestarikan Nusantara) Foundation, literally meaning ‘Conserving the Nation Together’.
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